Dix and Peterson are on vacation in Vegas with their wives when a gunfight breaks out at a casino and both officers are used as human shields. Steve is hit a couple times, then all hell breaks lose.

A team of assassins are in from Toronto and leaving several bodies including cops in their wake. With Steve recuperating in hospital and fending off assassin attempts, Dix is asked to head up a task force to capture these ruthless killers who are hired by a psychopath.

Fast-paced and loaded with non-stop action, this book will have you holding your breath.

Sin City Assassin (The Bill Dix Detective Series Book 3)

  • Published: December 7, 2014

    Available in eBook & Paperback 

    ISBN: 978-0991899890

    Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5" 

    Pages: 284



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