Mike and the Demon Inc crew take on Vampires, unearthed during a San Francisco construction zone project, on the site of an old church. Mongo goes undercover in more ways than one to find and destroy the murderous Ivan, rampaging through San Francisco. 

No rest for the weary as the crew takes on a sitting Judge Kaira Primrose, running her own Witches coven set in Berkeley, trying to silence a young woman Demon Inc rescued from a Witch induced coma. With Christmas only days away, the gang must fight the Antifa loons the Witch has in thrall and her conjured she-demon, Rangda, who has the power to mask Radalia Haunt portal openings. As Demon says, ‘we ain’t here to pitch pennies on the street corner’.

Demon (Book 10) Darkest Desires (Mike Rawlins and Demon the Dog)

  • Published: July 27, 2019

    Available in eBook 

    Pages: 194


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