The Illuminati need Islam’s horde to establish their ‘One World Order’, infiltrating and destroying nations from the inside out. The secret society wants Nick McCarty’s Unholy Alliance and John Harding’s Monster Squad gone, along with the new City of Hope in the Sahara, where Arabic peoples have created a wonderland without Islam.

Nick McCarty and John Harding begin to envision the world as a chessboard, where they have been sent as pawns, along with thousands of others, in false flag wars. Not knowing when to cut their losses, the Illuminati Satanic society targets the deadliest killers in the world....Game on!

Cold Blooded Assassin Book 9: Bloody Justice (Nick McCarty Assassin)

  • Published: March 21, 2018

    Available in eBook & paperback

    ISBN: 978-1986756020

    Dimensions: 6" x 9" 

    Pages: 320


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